Titus Salt School’s My Future programme is a series of personalised experiences, opportunities, events and expert personalised advice to get you ready for next steps in your life.

My future is embedded into every part of school life from the instant you join in year 7 through to year 11 and beyond if you make the decision that our Post 16 provision is the best route for you and your future aspirations.

We are committed to making sure every young person leaves us with a bespoke plan and the skills to complete that plan, that will take you on either into further education, training or employment. Our goal is to make sure these skills can be called upon at any point to allow for job progression, promotion, change of profession…. essentially being prepared for every eventuality in our working lives.

Our guidance provision is supported by the latest research, local, national and international employment trends and the guidance is completely independent, so you know you are getting the advice that is right for you. The programme is designed around the 8 core strands found in the Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance.

Starting in September 2022 we will be interlinking the My future careers programme with our new personal development (PD) lessons to make sure you can link the world of work with the other vital aspects of life. These will include work/life balance, health, finance and relationships.

Through this programme Titus Salt School will go beyond its statutory and moral duty to:

  • provide careers education in Years 7 – 11 (1997 Education Act 2003 Regulations)
  • to give learners access to impartial careers information, education and guidance (1997 Education Act, 2008 Education and Skills Act).

The My future programme will help you aim high and help get you there!

Meet the Team

Deborah Lister

Careers Advisor

Will France

Go Higher West Yorkshire Progression Officer

Max Robinson (Careers Lead)

Assistant Headteacher - Leadership & Management

CEIAG Programme/Delivery Plan

From the very start of year 7 we try to light the fires of ambition and aspiration in all the pupils here at Titus Salt School. With the right support and guidance from all the adults in the life they can be whatever they want to be in the future. As a collective team we must make sure that when a pupil leaves us, at either year 11 or year 13, that they leave us to move on to their desired next step. The myFuture project focuses on not just the career but also the pupils desired lifestyle which is of increasing value to young people today. Click the pdf for further details.

CEIAG Programme/Delivery Plan


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Independent Advice and Guidance (IAG)

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Careers Events

Skipton Open Evening
Monday 13 March 2023
5:30pm – 7:30pm (Drop in anytime)
Aireville Campus, Gargrave Road, Skipton, BD23 1US
REGISTER HERE: https://www.craven-college.ac.uk/event/open-evening-skipton-5/

The Aviation Academy Open Evening
Wednesday 22 March 2023
5:30pm – 7:30pm (Please note, this event will start promptly at 5:30pm)
The Aviation Academy, Leeds Bradford Airport, Hangar 1, Southside Aviation Centre, Victoria Avenue, Yeadon, LS19 7UG
REGISTER HERE: https://www.craven-college.ac.uk/event/open-evening-aviation-academy-5/

Careers in our curriculum

Delivery Plan 2021/22 - Programme Overview


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Careers & Finance


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Gatsby Benchmarks

What are the Gatsby Benchmarks?

A stable careers programme

Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by pupils, parents, teachers and employers.

Learning from career and labour market information

Every pupil, and their parents, should have access to good-quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information.

Addressing the needs of each pupil

Pupils have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each pupil. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout.

Linking curriculum learning to careers

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. For example, STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths.

Encounters with employers and employees

Every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.

Experiences of workplaces

Every pupil should have first-hand experiences* of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.

Encounters with Further and Higher Education

All pupils should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.

Personal Guidance

Every pupil should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a careers adviser, who could be internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level. These should be available whenever significant study or career choices are being made. They should be expected for all pupils but should be timed to meet their individual needs.

How does ‘My Future’ meet the Gatsby Benchmarks?

Good careers education advice, information and guidance allows our students to make informed choices throughout their transitional stages.  In addition quality careers guidance inspires students and allows them to experience and investigate their next steps in a safe and nurturing environment. The Gatsby Benchmarks provides a framework as to what a good careers provision should look like. In addition to assessing the school against the Gatsby Benchmarks we also measure impact of our careers provision through destination, retention and attainment data.


National Apprenticeship Webinars Programme 2023


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Careers Week

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Go Higher West Yorkshire (Uni Connect)

GHWY HEAT Privacy Notice


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Parent Resources

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