Our SEND Vision

Our vision is for all pupils within Titus Salt School to be happy and confident young people who enjoy time at school. We aim to provide pupils with SEND a nurturing environment alongside a team of people who can offer care, guidance, and support. We aim to continuously monitor and develop our understanding of our pupil’s individual needs so they can experience inclusivity both in and out of the classroom environment.

Special Educational Needs & Disability

The school works to promote the inclusion of all pupils with Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) through its policies and practice. We seek to make provision for pupils with a range of SEND and, by providing help and support, encourage these pupils to make progress, develop their confidence and independence and achieve to the best of their abilities.The school’s SEN policy and offer is available to view.
Pupil’s on the SEND register are monitored carefully and information about their needs is shared with their teachers and supporting staff within the school. Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) are written annually and updated regularly as the pupil’s needs and circumstances may develop. The school has a robust system in place to ensure that staff within our school can identify and monitor Special Educational Needs. Staff within the Amelia Salt Centre regularly work with outside agencies to seek guidance and support to ensure the child’s needs are effectively met within a mainstream setting.
We have over 300 pupils on the SEND register of whom 91 have an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP). We have a wide range of needs within our SEND cohort with both internal and external provisions in place to support our pupils.


The school’s Disability Policy relates to any staff, pupils or parents/carers of pupils who have disabilities. Following a disability access audit in and around the school we have drawn up a plan to improve access for disabled pupils; in relation to the physical environment, access to the curriculum and information. There are a number of accessible toilets on each level. Wheelchair access is via the Community Entrance. There is a lift servicing Levels 0 to 2 (situated near the Community Entrance) and a further lift with access to Level 3. We liaise with external agencies such as Learning Support Service, Autism Support Service and support services for pupils with visual and hearing impairment.
There is alternative examination provision for visually and hearing impaired pupils.

Our School's SEND Offer 2023


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The Local Offer

The Local Offer is a new way of giving children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers information about what activities and support is available in the area where you live.

Click here for more information.

For further information on our mainstream provision for pupils with SEND, please contact the following:

Phillipa Jervis

Assistant Head of Inclusion

Gemma Longbottom


Gemma Russell

Assistant SENDCo

Ellie Burton

SEND Officer

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