We are in our fourteenth year of providing increased support for pupils with Complex Learning Needs. Titus Salt School was selected as the first secondary school in Bradford to provide ‘Resourced Provision’ (Formerly DSP) to enable the successful inclusion of an increased range of pupils with complex learning difficulties in a mainstream school.
We currently have 35 pupils placed within our Resourced Provision. The provision is led by a SENCO qualified SEND Teacher and a teaching team which consists of a SEND Teacher, four specialised Higher-Level Teaching Assistants. Pupils are supported in lessons by eight specialist Learning Support Assistants who all oversee the integration and progress of our Resourced Provision pupils.
‘Our vision is for all pupils within the Resourced Provision to be happy and confident young people who enjoy their time at school. We aim for our pupils to be as included into mainstream school life as much as possible and for them to have access to the same opportunities and experiences as everyone else. We aim for our pupils to be as independent as possible – both in and out of lessons. The sessions we offer within the Resourced Provision aim to enhance and develop the skills our pupils will need to lead a successful, rewarding and independent life.’
Titus Salt School is proud of its ethos of inclusion across our school. Our Key Stage 3 RP pupils spend around 30% of their time in mainstream lessons such as Art, Design Technology, Food Studies, Drama, Music, and PE. DSP pupils are also members of a mainstream form group which they attend each morning. Throughout Key Stage 4, pupils work on achieving Entry Level subjects in English, Maths and Science and may have access to a GCSE option subject if this is appropriate to their needs.
RP pupils have access to the provision’s facilities during break and lunch times but are also monitored by DSP staff when using the school’s facilities during break and lunch times. Our pupils are encouraged to take place in a wide range of extra-curricular activities including Dance, Music and Climbing Club as well as taking part in the school show as well as trip and residential opportunities to help build their confidence and enables them to take a full part in school life.
All pupils’ allocated places will have an Education, Health and Care Plan (or be undergoing statutory assessment). Pupils will be working significantly below their chronological age academically (usually from EYFS-Year 1-2) and may have multiple and co-existing needs. Placements will be sought through and formally approved by Bradford MDC in consultation with the school.
You are welcome to contact the RP if you require any additional information. In the first instance we will speak to prospective parents over the phone or via email rather than conducting tours.
Please contact: Kate Thomis
Telephone: 01274 258969
Email: ths@titussaltschool.co.uk
DSP Year 7 example timetable
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