Caroline Salt Centre

The Caroline Salt Centre is situated at the far end of the Amelia Salt corridor. The Caroline Salt Centre supports the school in working with those pupils who are disengaged from learning and are at high risk of suspension and permanent exclusion.

The Caroline Salt Centre works closely with all year teams identifying pupils needs via the SIMS behaviour reporting system and regular year team Pastoral Inclusion Link meetings. The aim is to offer intervention and where necessary signpost for further intervention either internally or externally after observation and assessment.

The Caroline Salt Centre offers the following intervention programmes:

KS3 Getting It Right 1:1 or workshop (to include lesson observation)

• A 6 week programme focusing on low level disruption in the classroom. Examples of some of the sessions covered in the programme are:
• What makes the perfect pupil and teacher?
• School. Why?
• Teachers are human too!
• They’re distracting me!

Pupils will also be visited in the classroom to check on progress with regards to their own individual targets.

Anger Management

• A 3-4 week programme consisting of a 1 hour session per week.
• The pupil will explore their own emotions and have an understanding of what makes them angry and how this is having an impact on school life.
• The pupil will learn about self regulation and will be given techniques and strategies for managing their own anger.
• If appropriate the pupil will be offered an ‘Anger Management time out pass’

1:1 Mentoring

• KS3 pupils who are not making progress due to behaviour converns, and require a more bespoke approach. For example; Art therapy, Outdoor Ed/E.E. activities or just an opportunity to meet weekly to discuss areas of concern and continue with weekly targets.
• KS4 Pupils who are not making progress due to poor behaviour and their approach to learning is a concern.

Group Work

The Caroline Salt Centre also offers the opportunity for group work. The sessions are based on data via SIMS reporting systems. The workshops available are:

Girl Empower Group /Girl Conflict and Resolution
Respect for all

The area also houses the schools Positive Behaviour Strategy Reflection Zones. The Zones allow for reflection on those behaviours which have resulted in sanction. Reflection Zone 1 offers an open classroom space where a full programme, including sections from the programmes above, are delivered to the pupils during their time in reflection zone 1.

Pupils are also refereed to the HUB for the following:

Year 6-7 transition placements for those pupils transitioning from a Primary PRU r have received multiple exclusions in primary school and have not accessed a full timetable whilst in their primary setting. This allows for a phased transition into the mainstream classroom ensuring the pupils access a personalised learning timetable and further learning assessments take place.

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